Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Feeling Good

I realized yesterday that even though I don't make the money I want to make, that I am not in the space I want to be in. I am feeling good about where my life is right now and how I handle things.
9th step promises says I will not regret the pass nor wish to shut the door on it. I will be able to to handle things that use to baffle me. Is that so true. It does not promise that I am going to free of everything, just that I will be able to handle them with a new pair of glasses on. I sure do look at things differently now.
I am feeling more confident in who I am and even though I still have my bouts of anxiety they are less and and less intense.
What do I owe this all to? I owe it to being able to truly be who I am and being able to finally be free. I remember I would have moments about my dress before my transition. I was always afraid that people were going to make fun of me wearing men clothing. Actually men clothing was the only thing I felt comfortable in. It's a crazy thought but I was always thinking that people were saying things about my dress. Today I don't care what people think to a certain degree. It's not my business what people think of me. I know easier said than done, but its a motto I try to carry with me along my path.

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