Wednesday, April 25, 2012

On My Own

Last night was the last night that I have to go to the Fan Free Clinic for injections. Yet another change in my life that is good. I am on my own with injecting myself. I feel yet another form of freedom.
My life is so serene today for many reasons. I have settled into my sober life, I have accepted being a transman. I am at peace with being alone. I love myself. I could just go on and on about what this peace and serenity means to me. I never thought I would be so at peace. One of the directors at the FFC last night joked and said when we see you again will you stop smiling so much! I have never been told that before. I always had this mad, serious, unhappy look on my face. Today I can feel my facial expressions are different. I am not saying that every day is a great day. There are some days I am filled with fear but it does not consume me any longer. I recognize it, accept it and move on.
Today I am grateful for the peace and serenity that fills my day. It has been all about acceptance of who I am.